After vim, the program I use the most on my mac is ssh. And though modern cloud architectures are taking us further and further away from direct interaction with the host OS, most people still have something that runs right on the server, and most people still use ssh for getting that kind of work done.

Here are some tips that I have saved me time when using ssh.

Custom Nameservers (mac only)

Take advantage of /etc/resolver/*. Files placed in here will have their names used as url patterns for which a match will mean the use of a custom nameserver.


File: /etc/resolver/lab


This means that I’ll use the DNS running on to resolve the ip address of any host that uses the extension .lab. So if I have a web server running at myweb.lab and that name myweb is mapped to some ip on my DNS server on, all I have to do is I slap the url in Chrome and load it up and my OS will take care of the rest.

Host pattern matching in SSH Config File

Say you have a bunch of servers that use some naming convention in their domain name, like say they all end with “.lab”, and also say they all have the same generic user, say admin, then you can skip appending admin@ to your hostnames and just do this:

File: ~/.ssh/config

Host +.lab
User admin

By the way, there are many more awesome features that ssh/config provides, I’m just mentioning the ones of which I make the heaviest use.

SSH Host Autocomplete

In my opinion, this is the biggest thing you can do to improve your ssh experience.

In my .bash_profile I source in an ssh_autocomplete script, here’s what that looks like:

File: ssh_autocomplete


    local cur prev opts
    # combine our ssh config and known_hosts file for ssh autocomplete
    opts="$(grep '^Host' ~/.ssh/config | grep -v '[?*]' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) $(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v "\["`;)"

    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$opts" -- ${cur}) )
    return 0

complete -F _ssh ssh

As you can see here, we use both the ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~/.ssh/config files to source autocomplete options.

Also note the importance of putting this in a function which will be evaluated each time you use ssh and then hit tab. If the list is exported once at the time of the .bash_profile being run then you will need to re-source the file to get new hosts from either source file.